The Shop Small Event – Christmas 2024
at Trinity Park, Suffolk
Sunday November 10th 2024: 10:30 – 16:30
Thank you for your interest in applying for our Christmas Event 2024.
A lot of time and consideration goes into the selection process of deciding which brands are successful.
We like to have a good variety of stalls at each event so that our customers have a nice selection of different brands to shop but also so that you can be as successful as possible by not having too much competition within your category.
We like to give as many small businesses as possible a chance at exhibiting at our events so if you’re not successful this time please do reapply.
This is no way a reflection of your brand and look forward to working with you at some point in the future.

Applications for Christmas 24′ are now open! Please complete the form below and we will be in touch shortly: